Hero work from home

Remote work made easy

Don’t reinvent the wheel, use Geekbot to boost communication, keep teams in sync, help colleagues feel connected, and make online meetings a breeze.

Make remote work, work for you.

Keep life simple

With automated remote work check-ins, remote standup meetings, and remote retrospectives.

Boost productivity

Let teammates track progress across timezones with group updates they can skim in seconds.

Share the workload

Use private channels for specific topics and set tags or reminders to get questions answered.

Save Time

Keep video and online meetings short, as Geekbot collects key updates before you talk.

Stay connected

Geekbot loves it when people chat, so ask colleagues how they feel or what they’ve been up to.

Work as a unit

Focus on accountability with transparent workflows that keep everyone in the loop

remote work

Run meetings across timezones

Geekbot automates online meetings, letting you run virtual standups, scrum meetings, and sprint retrospectives without anyone actually turning up. Geekbot collects all the data and shares it across topic-specific channels so your team knows what’s going on across every timezone, no matter the hour of the day.
remote work status report

Keep comms human

Working apart doesn’t mean working alone. Geekbot encourages friendly interaction, while reminders can be sent at more sociable times of the day. To chat with the world, send updates to a public channel. Or make things personal with a Geekbot private thread. And if you’re searching for detail, filter chats by questions or participants.
insights dashboard

Stay data-centric

Don’t let data slip between cross-border cracks, put Geekbot’s AI into action. Geekbot can understand every answer it reads, analyzing topics, activities, tasks, blockers, key dates, and analytics — reminding people when key steps are due and using Sankey diagrams and Gantt charts to turn insight into action.

Master the art of remote work

Geekbot can get you started. Our knowledge-base can help you master the art.

A less intrusive team check-in for remote teams that’s easy to use. The non-committal updates really help us stay on the same page with our team. We have found our home with Geekbot.
Alex Bass, Consulting Partner for Copper CRM