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30-day free trial. No credit card required
Billed Monthly
Billed AnnuallySave 17%
Billing Geekbot

Crystal clear billing

Geekbot believes in transparency. Nowhere is this more important than in our pricing. When you use Geekbot, you only pay for active standup participants. What does ‘active’ mean? Say you have a team of 100, but only 30 are in a Geekbot standup, you only pay for 30 participants.

…and if a participant becomes inactive at any point during the month, we credit your account with unused funds — meaning with Geekbot, you never lose out.

Security and Compliance

More than 100 of the world’s leading companies trust Geekbot to keep their data safe and meet rigorous compliance standards.

People-powered support

We built Geekbot to simplify day-to-day operations. But we know, sometimes, only a human can help. That’s why we have a world-class customer support team behind our trusty bot, guaranteeing you can get an answer to any question and support with every need.

We love to hear from our users. And we want everyone to make the most of our bot. If you ever have a query, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Using Geekbot on Slack is incredibly helpful for us as a distributed team. We are way better informed what each of us is doing and started to engage more on Slack.
Markus Jaritz, Senior Interaction Designer
pricing geekbot

Geekbot also gives back

There is no greater reward than knowing you’ve made the life of a team like Mercy Corps that much simpler. That’s why Geekbot offers a little something extra to people working for a good cause.

If you’re part of a non-profit or educational organization, you could be eligible for a 50% discount. Get in touch with our support team, and they’ll check if you qualify.

Frequently asked questions

How long is the free trial?

We offer a generous 30 days free trial. It will give you enough time to see your team’s productivity escalate and discover the benefit of data transparency Geekbot will bring to your team. What are you waiting for? Try it now!

Do you charge my whole Slack team?

We only charge your team’s active participants in our service. An active participant is a member that is part of one or multiple standups, regardless if they only manage the standup, view reports, have dashboard access or edit settings. So if your team consists of 50 members and 10 of them are active participants, we will only charge you for the 10 members.

What payment options are available?

You can use all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AmEx ) to purchase a subscription. In case you need us to raise a Purchase order make sure to contact our live support prior to your payment, so we can assist you with sending the right documents to our billing dpt. Purchase orders can be paid by credit card or bank transfer.

I want to add new participants to a standup. How will that affect billing?

Whenever you add participants to your standups half way into the billing period, we only charge you for the remaining time of the current billing period. So if you add a new participant 10 days into your billing period you will be billed an extra $2 on your next subscription renewal. This is calculated by dividing the $3 (per participant per month) by 30 days and then multiplying it by the number of 20 remaining days. If you pay annually we use your existing credits to charge you for any new participants added. If you spend all your credits before the billing cycle is over, we will charge you for the remainder of the year, according to your new participants count. You are always notified 7 days before this charge is made.

How do i cancel our subscription? Can we get a refund?

In order to cancel your subscription, all you have to do is deactivate Geekbot. You can do that by removing the integration from Slack. Any remaining unused time in your subscription is stored in your account in the form of credits. Your team can use these credits at any time to continue using our service without having to pay again until they are spent. For refunds please contact our live support.

What about educational institutions, nonprofit organizations and charities?

We offer a 50% discount on our annual and monthly subscriptions to all eligible groups. We love helping organizations that work to make the world a better place, so contact our live support and find out if you are qualified for special pricing!

Where can I find more detailed information about your pricing and billing procedures?

For details on our pricing structures and billing processes, please visit our Help Center’s Pricing and Billing Section. Here, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to guide you through our pricing plans and payment options.